Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Limited Success

Labyrinth Location: 3rd border arc, 11 o'clock
Vegetable: Basil
Seed/Transplant Date: Around the end of May? (started indoors, mid-late April?)
Soil Preparation: Existing garden, rototilled with well-rotted manure tilled in

That's my biggest basil plant. Here's the other extreme.

I think all my transplants got chilled sometime during their stay in the porch across the street, and went dormant. They are finally starting to recover from that and the transplanting. Here are two of the three surviving oregano plants.

In more than two feet of row, I got two plants less than two inches apart. It was awfully tough transplanting these, when they were just a pair of cotyledons and one pair of true leaves, all together making a circle about the size of a capital "C" in a book.

Basil, oregano, and parsley are all close together near the middle of the garden. I also planted a few of each in a small bed right at the entrance to the garden (outer border arc, 6 o'clock). The basil are doing okay, but the peas are looming.

Yesterday I was freezing spinach, since some of the plants were bolting already (perhaps partly due to crowding?). I wonder if I'll still have any fresh spinach when the basil can spare its first few leaves. Spinach pesto is so-o-o tasty.

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