Labyrinth Location: Outer border arc, 7:30 (green); 2nd yin-dot arc, 9 o'clock (wax)
Vegetable: Beans
Seed/Transplant Date: May 21 or 22
Soil Preparation: Variable; partly existing garden, and partly sod swapped out for garden soil
These beans were featured in the stepping-stone photo in my introductory post. How things have changed! Here's another photo from way back then (June 14th).

Aside to self: today is the day I planted lettuce and peas under the mulch near the South Squash. Check for germination this weekend.
Aside to anyone listening in: How many days to germination for leaf lettuce?
Sorry, I don't recall the germination time. I have a vague sensation that it's about 3 weeks.
I want to ask where you got that weather-thingy for your sidebar. I can't find any link to it on the weather-site. It's been horribly hot here, pretty relentlessly for the past week. Usually we'll get a day or two per summer when it gets to 30/31, and then backs off into the low/mid twenties again, but every day its 30/33/29, etc. etc. Hot! I'm hoping for a real hum-dinger of a rainstorm by the end of the week.
The weather-thingy is a well-kept secret. I searched the weather section of the Environment Canada site, and all I found was a PDA weather thingy that had a wee satellite image (which I really wanted, but couldn't link directly). I e-mailed them and they sent me the web address for Weatherlink:
Maybe if enough people complain, they will offer a version without the distracting flicker of motion in the icon. Or with the satellite image instead...
In case that long address above gives you trouble, here it is as a link.
Oh, about the lettuce - surely it's quicker than that! I almost gave up on things that took three weeks.
Thanks! I wonder why they're being so secretive about something that's obviously meant for blogs? Curious.
Now, oh most html knowledgable one, what's the code for that link-thingy you just did? You'd think I'd know that by now, but I don't.
Me? HTML-knowledgeable? Heehee... notice my blogs are just plain old template varieties...
But to answer your question: it's much the same as making a piece of text bold; it just has an extra bit in it to make it a link instead. Examples follow, with curly brackets instead of angle brackets to avoid messing things up.
Here is a {b}bold{/b} example.
Here is a {a href="http://linked.page"}link{/a} example.
Basically, instead of a one-letter opening tag (as in {b} for bold), you have an extra piece specifying the URL for the linked page. I suppose href means "hyperlink reference." Remember to put the URL in quotation marks, and put the closing bracket after the closing quotation mark (to finish your opening tag). Also remember to include http:// as part of the URL. To avoid spelling errors, I just right-click the URL for the page I want and choose "Copy link location," and then use Ctrl-V to paste it in.
After the opening tag, type the text that you want to become a link. Right after it, type the closing tag - the {/a} part. In the example above, the word "link" becomes the link.
Okay, I'll have a go at it.
Aaargh! I did it! Thanks, Laura! I'd better copy and paste that into Word or I'll forget for sure.
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